So happy that you have decided to stop by again this week. It was a lovely relaxing week, one I really enjoyed!!
MONDAY: After some encouragement from my Mom I have decided to start recyling my rubbish, and it really has been quite an eye-opening experience. In the week since I have started I have only gathered half a rubbish bin of stuff that I will actually throw away, the rest can be recycled!!! I feel so good that I am now doing this, my little bit to improve the environment!!
TUESDAY: We had a lovely day today, it was nice and cool, even a little chilly, and I managed to score the day off work. They kids had a lovely day playing with toys they hadn't played with for ages. Here Bryce is being creative with his Hot Wheel cars!! We also went for a nice long walk. It was a wonderful day!!
WEDNESDAY: I am so enjoying the cooler weather this week. It is so much more enjoyable to weed my veggie patch when it's not sweltering hot!! Bryce took this photo for me, and did a great job!! In the back-ground are my lovely Brinjals, they have grown SO well. In the fore-front are my newly planted Green Peppers.
THURSDAY: I made some chocolate muffins this morning, and Jamie climbed into the mixing bowl to eat the left-over mixture. What more can I say...too cute for words!!
FRIDAY: Caide is extremely gifted when it comes to building things, and his latest creation is no expection. He got it into his head to build Jamie a horse from this old piece of tressle that was lying around. How very very clever my boy!! Jamie loves it, so proud of your creativity :)
SATURDAY: It was an event called Talana Live this afternoon, so we headed up to the museum for a lovely afternoon out!! There was a talk on the Boer War, dog show, games for the kids and a lovely tea garden. We took Nadia with us and the kids had a ball together, it was lovely!
SUNDAY: Brycie decided he wanted to help Ray cook the steak for lunch today. He grabbed an apron, which was way too big for him!! We had to tie it up in the back, it ended up looking like a dress, it was quite funny!! :)
Thanks for dropping by!! To those that leave comments, you really make my day!! :)